
Nationalparks Austria

The umbrella organisation

The team of Nationalparks Austria coordinates the joint projects under the leadership of the eight National Park Directors. Implementation is always carried out in close cooperation with the staff of the eight National Park administrations as well as the Department for National Parks, Nature Conservation and Species Protection of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.
For this purpose, the different working groups meet several times a year and serve as a platform for continuous exchange and further development.

The office of Nationalparks Austria is placed within the facilities of the administration of the Donau-Auen National Park and is located in the old Castle in Orth, a small village between Vienna and Bratislava.

National Park Rangers from all over Austria wave at the camera.
(c)Astrid Bartl
Contact us:

Nationalparks Austria
Schlossplatz 1
2304 Orth an der Donau
Phone: 02212 3450 63
E-mail: office@nationalparksaustria.at

Board of directors

The umbrella organisation Nationalparks Austria is organised as an association. The board is made up of the eight directors of the national parks.

Steering Committee


Christian Übl, BSc

Director of the Thayatal National Park


DI Hermann Stotter
Deputy chairman

Director of the Hohe Tauern Tyrol National Park

(c)Stefan Leitner

DI Herbert Wölger
Deputy chairman

Director of the Gesäuse National Park

Further board members

Picture of the national parc director
(c)Peter Schober

Mag. Barbara Pucker

Director of the Hohe Tauern Carinthia National Park


DI Volkhard Maier

Director of the Kalkalpen National Park

(c) NPHT

DI Wolfgang Urban, MBA

Director of the Hohe Tauern Salzburg National Park


DI Edith Klauser

Director of the Donau-Auen National Park

(c) Sebastian Freiler

DI Johannes Ehrenfeldner

Director of the Neusiedler See Seewinkel National Park

Staff members Nationalparks Austria

Stephanie Blutaumüller, MBA
Secretary General
Koordination of common projects


Roman Salomon, MA
Assistance Education, Research and Service

Woman wearing a uniform
(c) Wendl

Alissa Holleis, BSc
Assistance Public Relations


Kerstin Drabits, MEd
Assistance Public Relation

Supported by the Federal Government and the European Union.

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Our National Parks

Our parks are diverse, just like nature itself: profiles of the six National Parks in Austria

Our National Park Rangers

Employed in the service of nature: our National Park rangers are fervent ambassadors of nature and species conservation.

Scholarships & National Park Commitment

As a source of inspiration, research area and contact point for voluntary commitment, the Austrian National Parks establish various options to experience nature.

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