and partnership
The protection of our nature is a challenge that is adressed most effectively as a society. Therefore we appreciate the support and help we receive from our partners. Through these cooperations the activities of the association are either financially supported and/or certain programmes and measures are jointly implemented.
Ö1 is Austria's largest medium for culture and information. Needless to say that in their diverse agenda also environmental topics are covered.
Since 2022 Nationalparks Austria is partner of Ö1 Club as well as Ö1 intro. Visiting one of the participating national park customer centers, members receive on presentation of their club card a small cloth of beeswax.
Partnerschaft mit Ö1 Club und Ö1 intro
Bei einem Besuch der folgenden Infozentren, erhalten Mitglieder von Ö1 Club und Ö1 intro gegen Vorlage ihrer Clubkarte ein kleines Geschenk.
- Nationalpark Hohe Tauern: Smaragde und Kristalle (Bramberg am Wildkogel, Salzburg), König der Lüfte (Rauris, Salzburg), Auf der Alm – Zwischen Himmel und Erde (Hüttenschlag, Salzburg), Haus der Steinböcke (Heiligenblut, Kärnten), Besucherzentrum Mallnitz (Mallnitz, Kärnten), Nationalparkhaus Matrei (Matrei, Tirol)
- Nationalpark Gesäuse: Nationalpark-Pavillon Gstatterboden
- Nationalpark Kalkalpen: Nationalpark Besucherzentrum Ennstal (Reichraming), Nationalpark Panoramaturm Wurbauerkogel (Rosenau)
- Nationalpark Thayatal: Nationalparkhaus (Hardegg)
- Nationalpark Donau-Auen: schlossORTH Nationalpark-Zentrum
- Nationalpark Neusiedler See - Seewinkel: Nationalparkzentrum Illmitz
Bitte informieren sie sich über die aktuellen Öffnungszeiten auf den Webseiten der einzelnen Nationalparks.
Ja! Natürlich has been a partner of the Austrian national parks for a long time, supporting numerous projects, one of which is the Nationalparks Austria media scholarship, where it provides vouchers for groceries.
Ja! Natürlich is an organic authority and pioneer for organic nutrition and natural living in Austria. Every day, responsibility is taken for more than 7.000 Ja! Natürlich organic farmers, for consumers, for animals, plants and the environment.
fjum_forum for journalism and media was founded 2011 on the initiative of the City of Vienna. Within a few years, fjum has established itself as an internationally renowned educational institution for journalists in Austria and Europe. It is supporting the Nationalparks Austria media scholarship with it's expertise.