
Talent Pool
National Park

Media Scholarship

Nationalparks Austria has supported ambitious creative people in the artistic discovery of the Austrian national parks since 2014.

A free 14-day stay in one of six protected areas opens up exciting prospects and new creative methods.

The Nationalparks Austria Jury awards 13 media scholarships with the following priorities once a year:


From short films to documentaries, from fresh air to underwater: we are delighted to have film makers who wish to capture the sheer magnificence of nature as well as multifaceted encounters with the landscape and animals.


From macro images to landscape pictures, from portraits to study of nature: we encourage young talented people, who show our National Parks from new perspectives.


From haiku to novels, from reports to blogs: we are looking for people who can put indescribable beauty into words.

(c)Katja Hasenöhrl



Ja!Natürlich has long supported the Austrian National Parks in numerous projects and promotes the Nationalparks Austria media scholarship by providing vouchers.

Ja!Natürlich is an organic authority and pioneer for organic food and natural living in Austria. Every day, responsibility is taken for more than 7,000 Ja!Natürlich organic farmers, for consumers, for animals, plants and the environment.



fjum_forum journalismus und medien was founded in 2011 with the support of the city of Vienna. Within a few years, fjum has established itself as an internationally renowned educational institution for journalists in Austria and Europe, supporting the Nationalparks Austria Media fellowship with its expertise.

(c)Vanessa Szopory
A stream with stones in the mountains
(c)Tobias Kaser
A man photographs a tower at sunset.
(c)Sebastian Freiler
Two men photograph a mountain.

Bildinformation mit Link

Supported by the Federal Government and the European Union.

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Our National Parks

Our parks are diverse, just like nature itself: profiles of the six National Parks in Austria

Our National Park Rangers

Employed in the service of nature: our National Park rangers are fervent ambassadors of nature and species conservation.

Scholarships & National Park Commitment

As a source of inspiration, research area and contact point for voluntary commitment, the Austrian National Parks establish various options to experience nature.

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