creative in

that touch

Media scholarship 2018

For the fourth time, 13 young talents in the fields of film, literature and photography had the chance to deal with the domestic national parks and our natural heritage in a creative and intensive way in the course of the Nationalparks Austria media scholarship.

The scholarship holders spent two weeks in one of the six Austrian national parks and were inspired by nature and the rangers on site.

The designed works tell stories of summer storms, the emotional life of the mountains, and the small personal challenges of living on your own in a remote mountain hut. They portray visions of the future as well as life in the here and now, opening up entirely new perspectives on local natural gems.


Antal Brugger

Richard Eigner

Elisabeth Prast

Niklas Dostal


Claudia Ebner

Heiko Lueger

Christina Rittmannsperger

Sebastian Höhn

Vanessa Szopory



Insel Häufler

Thomas Mulitzer

Stephanie Turner

Florian Riedelsperger


Media Scholarship 2018

Antal Brugger

Julia and Antal visit the National Park Thayatal together with their 16-month-old daughter Tilda. The Viennese and the Upper Austrian leave their urban everyday life behind and show in their videos how closeness to nature is lived and experienced as a family in the National Park.

Niklas Dostal

"Get out of everyday life and into adventure" is the motto of the cameraman and director from Graz. The Carinthian part of the Hohe Tauern National Park offered him the right backdrop to actively engage with the beauty and joy of nature. The result is videos that not only show the beautiful landscape of the National Park, but also tell stories from everyday life in the National Park.

Richard Eigner

The composer and sound artist from Linz has documented his acoustic discoveries in the Gesäuse National Park with short videos. With the help of special microphones, sounds of the flora and fauna of the National Park were made audible, some of which are too quiet to be perceived by the human ear.

Claudia Ebner

The 25-year-old South Tyrolean was allowed to live out her passion for nature and photography in the Thayatal National Park. During her two-week stay, she took beautiful landscape photographs and detailed photos of the natural diversity of the national park and of the two wild cats Frida and Carlo.

Bildstrecken im Überblick [PDF]

Heiko Lueger

The qualified social worker from Graz has set himself the goal of awakening enthusiasm and sympathy for nature with his photos. In doing so, he focuses on informative species portraits and the depiction of the richness of detail of the most diverse creatures. The Kalkalpen National Park provided him with the perfect backdrop to capture native plant and animal species in touching and unadulterated moments with a lot of patience and the help of a macro lens.

Kleine Wunder [PDF]

Christina Rittmannsperger

Combining analogue with digital is the motto of the nature photographer. In her photos, she is primarily concerned with honestly documenting the truth from her personal point of view and showing it to her fellow human beings. This is reflected in her portrait of the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park.

Vanessa Szopory

The student from Wiener Neustadt was able to combine her passion for photography with her interest in nature in the Hohe Tauern National Park in Salzburg. With her photos, she wants to show people her age how important it is to protect and appreciate our natural heritage.

Collage [PDF]

Cover "Talking Nature - Der Berg"
(c)Ines Häufler

Ines Häufler

"What would the mountains and nature tell us if we listened to them?" the literature scholarship holder asks herself in her "Nature Talks - talkingnature". The Gesäuse National Park offered the dramaturge from Vienna the right setting to listen to the mountains and record the conversations in literary form.

Talking Nature Der Berg und Die Sage [PDF]

Cover "Wildnis, Technik und paar Dinge dazwischen"
(c)Thomas Mulitzer

Thomas Mulitzer

The beauty and majesty of the surrounding forests have fascinated the lyricist, writer and musician, who grew up in Pongau, since his early childhood. The Kalkalpen National Park has inspired him to capture the wilderness and the stay in nature far away from mobile phone networks and the internet in his texts in such a way that one almost feels addressed oneself.

Wildnis, Technik und ein paar Dinge dazwischen [PDF]

Cover "Neu Siedler See!"
(c)Florian Riedelsperger

Florian Redelsperger

As a student of comparative literature, the Tyrolean-born author used the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park as inspiration to capture nature and the visitor experience in the National Park in his short story. The main protagonist is a group of visitors who, in the year 2018, go in search of the last spots of untouched nature.

Neue Siedler See [PDF]

Cover "Wie eine Symbiose entstehen kann"
(c)Stephanie Turner

Stephanie Turner

The 22-year-old from Lower Austria has set herself the goal of using her texts to inspire people of her generation to explore the local national parks. As part of her scholarship in the Donau-Auen National Park, she has written an essay that describes her personal experiences in the national park and urges her peers to see the unique ecosystem in the Danube floodplain for themselves.

Redet Miteinander: Wie eine Symbiose entstehen kann [PDF]

in the nature


A large number of creative contributions have been collected in recent years through the media scholarship.

Through their works the scholarship holders stimulate thought and invite a sometimes different view of our natural heritage.


That was the year 2019

(c) Matthias Ledwinka

That was the year 2017

(c)Hannah Assil

Supported by the Federal Government and the European Union.

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Our National Parks

Our parks are diverse, just like nature itself: profiles of the six National Parks in Austria

Our National Park Rangers

Employed in the service of nature: our National Park rangers are fervent ambassadors of nature and species conservation.

Scholarships & National Park Commitment

As a source of inspiration, research area and contact point for voluntary commitment, the Austrian National Parks establish various options to experience nature.

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