creative in

that touch

Media scholarship 2017

Through the Nationalparks Austria media scholarship, twelve young talents from the fields of literature, photography and film had the opportunity to demonstrate their skills during a twelve-day stay in one of the six Austrian national parks in July and August 2017.

The theme "Nothing touches us like the untouched" was intended to enable unique and inspiring national park experiences and create the opportunity to take a closer look at untouched nature. In this way, the most beautiful natural landscapes could become a personal muse.



Fadi Amraish

Florian Kitzmüller

Lisa Staudinger

Jaquelinde System


Hannah Assil

Katja Hasenöhrl

Tobias Kaser

Max Mauthner


Celine Beal

Jana-Sophie Ette

Anna Hubner

Lisa Lugerbauer


Media Scholarship 2017

Cover "Die Vogelwelt im Nationlpark Thaytal"
(c)Lisa Lugerbauer

Lisa Lugerbauer

Thayatal National Park

Literature scholarshoip

Die Vogelwelt im Nationalpark Thayatal [PDF]



Diary entry
(c) Jana-Sophie Ette

Jana-Sophie Ette

Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park
Literature scholarship

Das Tagebuch eines Moorfroschs [PDF]

Two women are hiking.
© Sieghartsleitner

Celine Beal

Nationalpark Kalkalpen
Literature scholarship

Essay Kalkalpen [PDF]

System Jaquelinde & Abby Lee Tee

Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park

Film scholarship

Lisa Staudinger

Kalkalpen National Park

Film scholarship

Florian Kitzmüller

Thayatal National Park

Film scholarship

Fadi Amraish

Donau-Auen Nationalpark

Film scholarship

in the nature


A large number of creative contributions have been collected in recent years through the media scholarship.

Through their works the scholarship holders stimulate thought and invite a sometimes different view of our natural heritage.


That was the year 2018

© Heiko Lueger

That was the year 2016

(C) Alexander Müller

Supported by the Federal Government and the European Union.

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Our National Parks

Our parks are diverse, just like nature itself: profiles of the six National Parks in Austria

Our National Park Rangers

Employed in the service of nature: our National Park rangers are fervent ambassadors of nature and species conservation.

Scholarships & National Park Commitment

As a source of inspiration, research area and contact point for voluntary commitment, the Austrian National Parks establish various options to experience nature.

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