National Park Strategy Austria 2020+
Professional protected area management, cooperation, nature experience and awareness raising, research as well as the cooperation of all 6 national parks under the umbrella brand "Nationalparks Austria" are the main points in the new National Park Strategy Austria 2020+. Bundles of measures for the respective points provide a clear direction and serve to achieve the goals within the next 5 years.
NATIONALPARKS AUSTRIA (2018): National Park Strategy Austria 2020+, Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism (Hrsg.), Wien, 1-36.

Our natural heritage. Discovering the untouched
This booklet presents the special features of our six national parks and offers numerous tips for discovering the breathtaking diversity for yourself: Kilian, Fortuna or the Glockner Lady can be peered over their wings while flying in the Hohe Tauern, in the Thayatal the chances for noble crayfish sightings are particularly good. The Danube floodplains are home to European pond turtles, and around 50 species of orchids can be found in the Gesäuse. In the Limestone Alps there is the possibility to track the lynx, and in the Neusiedler See - Seewinkel countless bird species await you. Have fun reading and exploring!
NATIONALPARKS AUSTRIA (2016): Our natural heritage. Discovering the untouched, Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (Hrsg.), Wien, 1-17.

Time of nature
We are often asked what is actually the best time of year to visit the national parks. The beauty of this question is that the answer is pleasantly simple. Because there is always something to discover in nature.
The fascinating thing is its ability to change. In winter, nature shows itself in its thick winter coat and lets us feel its cold power. In summer, on the other hand, it warms us with its radiance and pampers us with its flowery splendor. With its changing power, it shapes our everyday life - and gives us new inspiration again and again.
Our current brochure is therefore a small declaration of love to nature's ability to change, which never ceases to impress us.
It is structured as a journey through the six domestic national parks, describing above all sensory impressions. For how else can we perceive untouched nature?

Position Paper: Tourism in Austria´s National Parks
The prime objective of the national parks is to protect and preserve what constitutes their very value. At the same time, they have a clear mandate for tourism and environmental education. This is why national parks also have a special responsibility for the development of nature-friendly tourism in the national park region.
NATIONALPARKS AUSTRIA (2021): Position Paper, Tourism in Austria´s National Parks, 1-13.

Guiding Principles for the Management of Hoofed Game in Austria's National Parks
In Austria's national parks, the overriding goal is to allow natural developments on a large part of the protected area area and to avoid or reduce interventions in natural processes. Other objectives of importance for the management of cloven-hoofed game are the protection of species, the preservation of genetic diversity, the protection of the natural habitat of wildlife as well as education and making it possible to experience wildlife.
NATIONALPARKS AUSTRIA (2011): Guiding Principles for the Management of Hoofed Game in Austria's National Parks. Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (Hrsg.), Wien, 1-5.
Guiding principles for the management of hoofed game in Austria's national parks [PDF]

Position Paper of the Expert Committee for Bark Beetle Management
Process conservation is one of the major guiding ideas of national parks and is encouraged in these areas. However, the fact that natural processes do not stop at property boundaries and can thus also affect neighboring areas poses a particular challenge to management. In the spirit of satisfactory neighborhood protection, solutions and measures are highlighted.
As a best practice example, the present position paper is supplemented in the appendix by the "Buffer Zone Model Wilderness Area Dürrenstein".
NATIONALPARKS AUSTRIA (2013): Position Paper of the Expert Committee for Bark Beetle Management, 1-5.
Position Paper of the Expert Committee for Bark Beetle Management